Golden Section logo next to a screenshot of the website
Golden Section logo displayed horizontal and vertical
Service logos for Golden Section using various triangle shapes

Inspired by the “golden ratio”, a mathematical ratio occurring in nature, architecture, and design, Golden Section’s brand positioning focuses on their proprietary growth plan for startups: strategic, iterative, and mapped one step at a time.

Style tile showing Futura PT as the brand font and brand colors
Collage of images showing business people writing on white board, collaborating with sticky notes, and walking through a room holding coffees
Grid of pages from the brand guide on top of a blue background
Journeying with B2B Founders

Dynamic shapes and geometric patterns are used as building blocks to emphasize ratio, order, and direction.

Website on a cell phone and laptop
Animated social media posts.
Animated Golden Section logo.

“It’s my pleasure to recommend the outstanding team at Circa. Circa, a Nashville-based branding agency, has set a new standard in creative excellence and ROI-driven branding solutions. Engaging with Golden Section, the Circa team united our diverse product and service lines across several offices into a cohesive brand identity that not only resonated with our core values but also significantly enhanced our market presence. Their strategic approach and dedication to delivering measurable results have been instrumental in our success. For any small business owner looking to elevate their brand, I highly recommend Circa for their unmatched expertise and transformative outcomes.”

— Dougal Cameron, CEO & Founder, Golden Section

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