Chloe is a brand designer with a fondness for hand-drawn type and creative problem solving. Her approach to design is rooted in digging deep into the story behind the brand, a plethora of visual research, and the thoughtful use of typography. 

Chloe began her career as a designer at Chattanooga-based creative agency, Goodstory – first as a Graphic Designer, then advanced to Lead Designer. Her time at Goodstory involved creating countless logos and brand experiences for a wide range of clients and industries. She then ventured off on her own as a Freelance Designer, stretching her creative muscles through painting murals and creating interactive installations.

Now at Circa, she enjoys her role as Senior Designer and the chance to collaborate with a group of highly talented creatives.

Having lived abroad for much of her childhood, Chloe hopes to one day move back to Europe, though she’s not sure where she’ll end up – Amsterdam? The UK? Krakow? She’ll keep us posted.

The Perfectionist’s Guide to Losing Control
The Perfectionist’s Guide to Losing Control
99% Invisible
99% Invisible
The Elements of Typographic Style
The Elements of Typographic Style